Tomorrow we do NOTHING... O.K., we lay by the pool, swim, walk on the beach and eat at the buffet.
Bill and Traci
The toll road
The toll booth
Traci enjoying the ride. The Jolly Ranchers - not-so-happy after sitting in the sun
We we were approached by several of the locals offering their services as a tour guide. Based on the research that Michael conducted, it was recommended that we wait until we get inside as we could find one cheaper. The plan was to walk around until we heard a "PSST" and then we would get the deal of a lifetime. As we wandered around looking for our deal, we were accosted by several people trying to sell us their wares and were approached by an older man with a cane who waved a newspaper at us and said something in Spanish. We ignored him and continued to look around like lost puppies. Finally, we made a decision to go back to the main entrance and grab a guide. As we were leaving, the paper wielding man said "You need a guide?". And so the negotiations began. He offered to take us around the old and new sections and spend no more than 2 1/2 hours with us for $500 pesos (about $40 U.S. dollars). We agreed and our tour began.
We made it
Ernesto our tour guide
The High Priest Temple
Bill and Traci in front of the temple
In front of the observatory
There were lots of Iguanas around
Our next stop was about an hour away and it was a restaurant that was recommend by a fellow traveller on line. There is a restaurant that overlooks Cenote Zaci that is in Valladolid. The ambiance of the restaurant was pretty cool but the food was average at best.
After another hour of driving, the rain let up and we reached the ruins of Coba. We paid the entrance fee and were notified that they closed at 5:30. We had about an hour to get to our ruin, climb it and get back to the main gate... how hard could that be? We tried to rent a bike but they said it had to be in 30 minutes before closing time and they knew we wouldn't make it. So, we started on our speed walking journey. We found a sign that pointed to the "Grande Temple" and indicated that it was 2 Kilometers away. As we neared the temple, Michael agreed to stay at the bottom and take pictures as we all raced to the top and then I would take some when he started his climb. We spent a few minutes enjoying the view and then descended to begin our 2 Kilometer walk to the front gate. We made it with time to spare and were completely wiped out from the walk and climb.
Map of Coba
The ruins
We begin our ascent
Almost there
Michael and Catherine at the top
On hold with BofA
A tasty lunch
yummy cow
I settled for a picture with the monkey
Lola liked Traci more than she liked me
Traci, Lola, and Bill
The shops near the beach in Playa Del Carmen
The terminal to Cozumel
We walked back to meet our shuttle and headed back to the resort. Once at the resort, we went to the pool and swam until our fingers shrivelled up.
The plan was to turn in early as Day 4 was going to be a long day and would start at 5:30am. As we were getting ready to head to bed, there was a knock at the door. It was the maid with four Hershey's kisses in her hands. I took them from her and we enjoyed the chocolate before turning in.
On day 4, we explore the Mayan ruins.