I did something that I never thought I would do in my lifetime. I not only went to a KU football game but I rooted for them. And not just the "let's go KU.. clap, clap, clap, clap, clap,clap" it was a full on Waving the Wheat and high fiving all the other crazies.
My company gave away a bunch of free tickets a couple of weeks ago and as luck would have it I was free the weekend of the game. After I received the tickets, I had to figure out who I was going to invite. There was my one friend who loves KU but punches stuff if they lose and then the other one who...wait, I only know one person who likes KU. As it turns out, I learned that a friend from church was a pretty big fan and this would a good chance for us to get to know each other better and boy did we ever.
Tom picked me up at 9:30 and we were on our way to the land of the dirty bird. Since this was Tom's country, he drove us on all the back roads and I was able to experience some of the beautiful country side. We found excellent parking right away (Anything free is excellent) and made our mile trek to the stadium.
As we got closer to the stadium, I could feel the school spirit coming from all the people hanging out on their porches drinking, grilling and playing tailgating games. Beer pong is a very popular sport in Lawrence! Our walking journey was coming to an end and the stadium lay before us in all her glory. I was getting pretty jazzed about the game and Tom was texting loving words to his wife so neither of us noticed the car speeding down the road. I had just enough time to scream at Tom to stop and save his life. His version of the story may be a bit different... :-)
The road to the stadium
Here comes the stadium
Larger than life
On the way into the stadium, I heard the familiar sounds of "Hog calling time in Nebraska"; however, this version was in tune and was sung with lot of heart. Unbeknownst to me, the band has a tradition of singing this song before every game. You can listen to them sing it here (
Hog Calling Time in Nebraska). I got chills when I first heard it and again when I heard it on Youtube. Listen closely as the 2:35 mark.
The KU marching band
Once in the stadium, we enjoyed the pregame festivities and ran into a few people from work. Our seats were perfect, the weather was just right and I was ready for a victory!! There was a moment of silence for those who lost their lives in the 9/11 attacks and Then the National Anthem went off without a hitch.. well, except for the Air force refueler that flyover during the first note of the anthem.
Can you read it? KU
A view of campus from the stadium
The final score before the half
The game was stupendous! The Jayhawks played their hearts out the first half and left the crowd wanting more as they ran off the filed. The half time show was also pretty cool. A flag the size of the football field was stretched out, taps was played and they acknowledged all the people who had served in the armed forces, police, fire and paramedics.
The flag

Unfurling the flag
The second half was just as crazy as the first and KU beat down a ranked team. This is where is waved the wheat, high fived everyone and basically lost all self control. The crowd lost it too and charged the field at the end of the game. Tom and I made our way around the stadium and heading out to get some of the best
BBQ in Lawrence. If you ever head out that way, try the spicy BBQ sauce... way hot!!
The final seconds of the game
The crowd reacts
And storms the field
Final Score 28-25
From the opposite end zone
1/2 mast for 9/11 remberance
Quote of the day (From the lips of this hippie dude before the game): "dude, it is a great day to be a Jayhawk" What and the heck does that mean???
I hope you are able to let is all hang out once in a while!
Go Hawks (last time ever.. swear!)
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